Green Lattice

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Revision as of 22:47, 10 April 2022 by NaelleIllyana (talk | contribs) (Utohpia -> Utophia)
Green Lattice Banner with Grapu.png
Green Lattice
Name Green Lattice
Description The Green Lattice is a group dedicated to building the green and black pattern they are named after, and protecting art within their borders.
Subcommunities Juke's Towers of Hell,Geometry Dash (very incomplete list)
Subreddit greenlattice
Artwork Grapu

The Green Lattice is an alliance created in 2017 that is dedicated to protecting the art within its borders. They fill unused space with a green and black pattern, going around pre-existing artwork that others had created, and form alliances with the nearby artworks to help protect both the lattice, and the art.


See also: Grapu

Grapu is the Green Lattice's mascot. He started as a little work of art in Place 2017 that got destroyed twice and never made it to the final canvas. Over the years since then, we've grown to love him. He was rebuilt and protected on the 2022 canvas.

r/place 2022

The North Lattice

The approximate boundaries of the North Green Lattice, near (1080, 430).

The North Lattice was created on April 1, 2022, in the upper left side of the canvas. It can be viewed on the atlas here.

Artwork in the North Lattice

The South Lattice

The approximate borders of the Southern Green Lattice (note our only ally south of the Deltarune characters is Juke's Towers of Hell).

The South Lattice was created on April 3, 2022 after the second expansion, approximately in the center of the southwest quadrant of the canvas. It can be viewed on the atlas here.

Artwork in the South Lattice



Neutrality Agreements/Peace Treaties



First Alliances and Conflicts

The Azulejo Incident

Attack of the Spanish Streamer

The First Expansion

The peace treaty signed by the members of the Green Lattice and Mizkif.

Eastward Expansion and the Mizkif Alliance

The Invasion of Asmongold

Second Expansion and Reconstruction

Fight for the Southern Lattice

The Return of Grapu

The Defense of the Two Lattices

The Whitening

r/place 2017

The Lattice




The Green Lattice pattern started organically. As a random set of green pixels in the upper middle right of the canvas, it started to form a consistent pattern. A few posts were made on to the subreddit discussing the development of the pattern. Those posts brought more attention and increased the speed of growth. As more people took notice that it was becoming more than just a random patch of pixels, a subreddit was made, and then a discord. The makers of the subreddit and the Discord server were not aware of each other at the start, but they quickly joined forces.


Creation of the Subreddit Banner

Color Changes

Early Green Lattice was a pattern of green and light green with a white background. This formed quickly because the r/place 2017 started as a blank white canvas. As development continued many random color pixel were being place in the pattern causing it to look dirty.

Screen shot of the announcement for the treaty.
Screenshot of the announcement for the treaty
The start of changing the lattice background. Notice how dirty the lattice looks.

As a solution and partial collaboration with the Black Border Project trying to add a black outline to the canvas, Green Lattice started the process of changing the white to black. This helped us have more clear territorial boundaries and The Black Void would have much less of an impact if they would attack.

This color changing process was used in r/place 2022, where we use the white to expand quickly, and the black to protect what we already have.

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