As we've gone back into maintanance mode for the atlas, we have updated out main page: Check it out here!

Help:Creating Pages

Help page

Getting started

In order to create and edit pages, first you need to create an account. Once you've created your account and logged in, you can contribute to the wiki!

Before writing/editing any pages, please read the wiki's style guide to familiarize yourself with the standards that we hope you follow while writing pages.

Creating pages

The PlaceAtlas2 wiki is composed of two main types of pages: Artwork pages and Community pages. Artwork pages describe a single piece of artwork on the r/place canvas, while Community pages describe the community that created a particular artwork (or multiple pieces of artwork). There are also Alliance pages which describe multiple communities that worked together to create, recreate, or defend a piece or pieces of artwork.

Before creating an article, please use the search to check if it has been created or not. To create an article, either create a link to it using double square brackets, like [[this]], or go here and type in the name of the article you would like to create.

Artwork pages

Each Artwork article should have the Artwork Template at the top for a consistent display of information. This should include a name for the artwork, a brief description (detailed description and explanations should go into the body of the article), the location and Atlas ID of the artwork on the canvas, and a link to the page of the community(ies) that created it.

If many details about the artwork are unknown, it is still acceptable to create the page using the information already in the Atlas, and include the Artwork stub template at the beginning of the article to indicate that more information is requested.

Additionally, a redirect should be created from each Atlas ID to the article of the artwork it references. For example, suppose artwork entitled "Some Art" has an Atlas ID of "tuvwxy". First, create a page at Some Art with the basic information about the artwork. Use this code as a template to start the creation of the page:

{{Artwork stub}}
| name        = Some Art
| description = This is some art with a picture of a thing
| location    = (999,999)
| id          = tuvwxy
| creator     = [[creator page]]
| image       = image-of-artwork.png

This is longer description of the thing that is in Some Art and also a cool fact about the thing.

= {{pl2}} =
== Creation ==
== Conflict ==
== Final Result ==

All elements of the Artwork template are recommended, but only the name is required. If an element is not present, simply remove that line from the code. Use tags to link to community pages of creators.

You would create a page at tuvwxy containing only the code to redirect:

#REDIRECT [[Some Art]]

Please make note of capitalization conventions, as wiki links are case-sensitive. Titles of artwork should be written in Title Case, and Atlas IDs are all lowercase.

Community pages

Each Community article should have the Community Template at the top for a consistent display of information. This should include a name for the community (with optional aliases), a brief description (detailed description and explanations should go into the body of the article), the artwork they have created (with wiki links), and any relevant links to the community.

If many details about the artwork are unknown, it is still acceptable to create the page using the information already in the Atlas, and include the Community stub template at the beginning of the article to indicate that more information is requested.

To create a page for a community, you can use this template:

{{Community stub}}
| name = r/somecommunity
| aka = Some Community
| subcommunities = [[community1]],[[community2]]
| description = A bunch of people who like a thing
| subreddit = somecommunity
| website =
| twitch = somecommunity
| twitter = @somecommunity
| artwork = [[Some Art]]
| logo = image-of-community-logo.png

This is longer description of the community.
This is why the community decided to make Some Art.

= {{pl2}} =
== Artwork ==
== Some Art ==
{{MainArticle| [[Some Art]]}}
Some Art was a piece of artwork that some community made depicting a thing.

== Alliances ==
== History ==

The name, description, and artwork parameters of the Community template are recommended, but only the name is required. If an element is not present, simply remove that line from the code. Use tags to link to the artwork pages for the community's creations.

"AKA" should be used for distinct names used to refer to the community. For abbreviations, simply note the abbreviation and its expansion at the beginning of the article text.

For alliances or communities involving more than one smaller community, use the "subcommunities" parameter to include a list of wiki links to the pages for each community involved in this one. Additionally, add


to the bottom of the page code. For an example, look at the page for the Nordic Union alliance.

As wiki links are case sensitive, take note of capitalization and naming conventions. Communities based around a subreddit should use that subreddit name (including "r/") as the name of the page (e.g. r/place). For other communities, use Title Case in the community name unless there is an explicit reason to use another form (e.g. Rust Programming Language but xQcOW).

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