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Grapu 2022 16x16.png
Name Grapu
Description Grapu is a purple smiling mascot of the Green Lattice.
Location 1098, 428
Atlas ID twmgzq
Creator Green Lattice

Grapu is the Green Lattice's mascot. He was first built in r/place 2017, was destroyed twice, and unfortunately didn't make it onto the final canvas. Since 2017, the members of the Green Lattice have grown to love him, and many were excited to bring him back. He was rebuilt and protected on the 2022 canvas.



Grapu, formerly known just as grape, was originally a pixel art mascot for YTPMV creator "Grape". The original art was created July 23rd, 2015 (see Original builders include /u/kp_cftsz, /u/ultrasonic95, /u/TheMMaker & later the rest of the green lattice team. The current name, "Grapu" was not the official name made by the original creators, it was the name lovingly made by the lattice in 2017.

Creation on r/Place[edit]

Original request to build Grapu

The creator of Grapu initially attempted to build him in the Blue Corner's territory, but was turned away. They looked elsewhere and decided to submit a request to build him somewhere in the Green Lattice's territory. Since they knew it would be difficult fighting against the hivemind, they also asked the members of the lattice for their assistance building Grapu.

The plan to build Grapu, posted on the subreddit.

After some back and forth, the Green Lattice accepted the request. They started plans to build Grapu around (888, 404), near the southern boundaries of the Green Lattice. The small group working on it had trouble dealing with the hivemind of random users that maintained the Green Lattice's territory. Because they were unaware of the plans to build Grapu, they assumed that the purple and dark grey pixels were attempts at vandalizing the lattice, and covered them up. The creator of Grapu soon realized that finishing Grapu would require a coordinated effort, and they rallied the Discord server together to build him. That group effort unified the members of the Green Lattice and their allies, and Grapu became a beloved symbol of the lattice.

Grapu under construction.
Grapu after he was first built.

2017 Fate[edit]

Wall Street Bets placing over Grapu

Later on, after the lattice was changed to have a black background, r/WallStreetBets started to place their Baby Logo over the area Grapu was located. After some diplomacy, Green Lattice made an agreement with Wall Street Bets to move Grapu over to the right, as long as they didn't expand any farther. This agreement was soon discarded as Wall Street Bets expanded they white border of their logo eastward. The attempt to move Grapu to the east was quickly overrun with outside comminutes trying to build in the same area. Plans were made to rebuild Grapu to the north of the Green Lattice banner, but as soon as building was started, the Black Void attacked the south area of Green Lattice, so forces had to be used away from the Grapu project. After the attack, the discord refocused to rebuild Grapu, but unfortunately r/place 2017 ended before it could be fully executed.

2022 Resurgence[edit]

Other Versions[edit]

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