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Terraria Pixel Art

From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
(Redirected from twp9ek)
Terraria r-place Pixel Art.png
Terraria Pixel Art
Name Terraria Pixel Art
Description This pixel art was created by ChippyGaming on a Youtube live stream
Location 399, 1901
Area 1362 pixels
Atlas ID twp9ek
Creator ChippyGaming, and the Terraria community

r/place 2022[edit]


This Terraria Pixel art was added to the third canvas area during the near end of the third day by ChippyGaming.

Background Information[edit]

ChippyGaming is a Terraria Youtuber with a decently sized Youtube channel of 1 million subscribers. He was on Youtube streaming r/place with around 2000 people when he saw a Polish flag that was undefended and decided to create Terraria art on top of it.


During the few hour long stream He was able to construct this piece consisting of a Terraria character holding a torch, a Demon eye, and a Meowmere stuck in the ground.

Final Result[edit]

This art was created near the end of r/place, and therefore was completely untouched all the way up until The Great Whiteout

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