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(Redirected from Terraria)
Terraria logo.jpg
Name Terraria Community
Description Everyone part of the Terraria community enjoys the game Terraria or the mods surrounding it.
Subreddit r /Terraria

This article is meant to show the complete history of all things on the r/place canvas related to the game Terraria.

The Terraria community wanted to leave their mark on r/place to show their appreciation to the community and game, and thanks to Sodapoppin on twitch and good coordination from the Terraria discord and subreddit they were very prevalent in r/place 2022.

r/place 2022[edit]

Canvas Art[edit]

The Terraria community has placed many art pieces onto the canvas, including the Moon Lord, a Terraria Tree, Terraria Bunnies, a Terraria Guide, and some Terraria Pixel Art, which contains a Meowmere and a Demon eye.


Communicating with other communities was a decent struggle being forced to use Reddit and or Discord to talk to members from other communities.


The Terraria community had a couple good encounters with other communities like the Kurzgesagt community, they were able to ask them for help creating one of the Terraria bunnies and they happily agreed, it was completed far faster than it would've been normally. They were also in communications with the people responsible for the Dogecoin art on the bottom left of the Moon Lord, and some of the state logos to the right of the Moon Lord.

Small Attack[edit]

Unfortunately due to poor communication through Reddit, People defending the Moon Lord were not able to come to an agreement with the people working on creating BoJack Horseman taking up area on the right elbow of the Moon Lord, but the invaders left us alone once the canvas expanded for the 2nd time.

r/place 2017[edit]

Canvas Art[edit]

In 2017 the Terraria community managed to place Terraria Bunnies and a Terraria Guide onto the canvas.

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