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Demon eye

From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
Demon eye
Name Demon Eye
Description This Demon eye is part of a pixel art that was created by ChippyGaming on a Youtube live stream.
Location 410, 1896
Area 128 pixels
Atlas ID typufa
Creator ChippyGaming, and the Terraria community

r/place 2022[edit]


The Demon eye is a common enemy in Terraria that appears in most surface biomes during the night. It has a slow turn rate, follows the player, and bounces off blocks, it's trajectory is changed when hit with a weapon that causes knockback.


The Demon eye was created along with the Terraria Pixel Art to fill up empty space. People on the live stream were thinking about taking more space above the pixel art to create an Eye of Cthulhu instead, but it never happened.

Final Result[edit]

Just like the entire pixel art, the Demon eye remained intact until The Great Whiteout.

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