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Rust Programming Language

From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
Rust Programming Language
Name Rust Programming Language
Description The Rust Programming Language community
Subreddit rust
Artwork Rust Cog, Rust Ferris

Rust is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language designed for performance and safety, especially safe concurrency.

r/place 2023[edit]

There's no square of art in r/place 2023, But most likely due to the Controversies surrounding on Rust Foundation.

r/place 2022[edit]


Rust Ferris[edit]

Main article: Rust Ferris

Ferris, with a turbofish on top.

Rust Cog[edit]

Main article: Rust Cog

In creating the Cog, the Rust community collaborated with VA-11 HALL-A.



VA-11 HALL-A[edit]


r/place 2017[edit]

Rust lang 2017.png

Rust had a square of art in r/place 2017.

It included Ferris, the Rust cog logo and the words "Redox OS" (An operating system written in Rust)

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