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Friday Night Funkin'

From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
Friday Night Funkin'
Name Friday Night Funkin' (Boyfriend)
Description Artwork of the main character, Boyfriend, of the indie game Friday Night Funkin'.
Location (956,1924)
Atlas ID twsjha
twsjha redirect is missing (What does this mean?)
Creator RubberRoss and Project Funk

This mural represents the community of Friday Night Funkin'. The main focus of the artwork is the main character of the game, Boyfriend, doing a V sign with his left hand and holding his microphone with his right hand. On the bottom left, you can see the initials of the game, FNF, written with the same colours as the logo. On the top right, we got a guest, Hank J. Wimbleton from Madness Combat, who will also be featured in the game in a future update.

r/place 2022[edit]


A streamer that goes by the name of RubberRoss decided to build this mural as a thanks to the FNF community for helping him with the creation of the Newgrounds logo art right besides it. It was created using a special tool he had that gave every viewer he had a specific pixel at random with the corresponding colour, and he would order everyone to fire at once, slowly creating the mural. Once it was created, the members of Project Funk decided to defend it.


At some point, a shadow created to form on the top right of the artwork, which Project Funk assumed immediately it was going to be Hank, and we decided to welcome him into the art since he is also part of Newgrounds history and will soon be in the game. Another conflict was a few users from the Dave and Bambi community drawing said characters on the bottom left; in the end both communities got to an agreement and found another spot for them.

Final Result[edit]

The artwork survived until the end, and was slightly fixed by Ross a few hours before the whiteout, only leaving Boyfriend, the FNF logo and Hank remaining.

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