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VTubers Place

From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
German-Holo-Niji VShojo-Belgian Medal.png
VTubers Place
Name VTubers Place
Description An alliance and collaboration between various Agency-based, and Independent VTubing communities
Subcommunities Hololive Production,NIJISANJI,VShojo,idol Corp.,Phase Connect,LightMotif,Virtual Witch Phenomenon
Subreddit vtubersplace

VTubers Place (formerly r/Place VTubers) or VTPL for short, was a community and an alliance that consists of different Agency-based and Independent VTuber communities.

Virtual YouTubing is a type of genre of YouTubers or Streamers that uses an animated, 2D model. These creators sometimes use a 3D, fully motion rigged model on their streams or in their concerts.

The genre was created with the debut of Kizuna AI in 2016. The trend of the genre continued to grow with the introduction of Agency-based talent management such as NIJISANJI and Hololive. During the height of the COVID Pandemic, video game live streaming increased, helping them grow more. Catapulting them into the mainstream media.


VTPL had three major subcommunities and dozens of smaller subcommunities. Such major communities are the three of the biggest VTuber Agencies in the industry. Hololive Production, NIJISANJI, and VShojo.

List of communities[edit]

Major Subcommunities

  • Hololive and Holostars
  • Nijisanji
  • VShojo

Other Communities are listed but not limited to:

  • Virtual Witch Phenomenon
  • MeLu
  • Lightmotif
  • Idol Corp.
  • Phase Connect



The primary territory of VTPL during 2022, with the logos of Hololive, Nijisanji and VShojo

VTubers Place placed their mark onto the canvas during the 2022 edition. It started with the logos of Hololive, VShojo and NIJISANJI. Sharing territory with Belgium and Germany. During the event, the community was hit by several attacks, with the biggest one from the community of xQcOW. They also garnered support and gained alliances from numerous streamers and VTubers such as Ironmouse and BTMC from the osu! community.

Despite the fierce attacks from numerous streamers, they managed to fend-off attack due to their coordination. Their defensive efforts were so impressive that they started receiving botting accusations, mostly from the streamers.

Other artworks was created such as a Hololive section in the near-south of the canvas center, the VShojo Mural on the south border of the German flag, and NIJISANJI East, which was the most contested canvas territory of VTPL. Other collaborative artworks were created such as KoboWave in collaboration with r/place_the_wave.

Nijisanji East, along with KoboWave

In the near-closing stages of the event, one of their artworks, Migo, which was a depiction of Hololive's Sakura Miko was constantly being attacked alongside KoboWave by streamers such as Dimitry_Lixx. They managed to retake the territory. However, during the final moments of the event, it was unfortunately took over by NexxusHD.

Major Incidents[edit]
  • The xQc attacks
  • Defense of NIJISANJI East
  • The Erasure of Migo
  • War with Dmitry_Lixx
  • The struggle of KoboWave


Takanashi Kiara in a Drindl with a beer. In collaboration with PlaceDE

2023 was VTPL's most challenging year in r/Place. As the event was held during the midst of the controversy surrounding Reddit's API Changes which caused many third party apps to go out of business, a good portion of the community did not actively participated in the event as a protest to these changes. Their support was also very limited as their allies such as osu! was in collaboration with Touhou for the Bad Apple animation, and Ironmouse being on break after their own pixel event with fellow creator CDawgVA.

VTPL's first location was constantly being attacked by flag factions Turkey and Azerbaijan. They were met with resistance from VTPL at first, but due to this iteration being a weaker force, they were quickly being pushed out of their own territory. Until they relocated on the second expansion. On the start of the third expansion, artworks were being made, such as Takanashi Kiara Oktoberfest, which is in collaboration with Germany with their beer keg in the Nordflagge pouring beer in her mug. The StartEnd mural sharing Equador's space, Different VTuber logos and memes and other tributes to represent the VTuber community.


Even in 2023, they are still being attacked by streamers such as xQc, and a latino VTuber in a Ugandan Knuckles model. Despite challenges, their territory became a safe haven for other communities that wants to make their small mark in the canvas. Thanking VTPL for helping them on being represented. Communities such as War Thunder, Chelsea F.C. Battlefield One and many more.

In the closing stages of 2023, VTPL was in a diplomatic dispute with the people representing Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KaIT). The Institute had a definitive intention to expand and overrun the territory of VTPL. Thus, the community went to their ally PlaceDE for help, however it was found out that KaIT was also allies with them. Now PlaceDE asked VTPL and KaIT to send their representatives. But the negotiation falls through, causing PlaceDE to end their alliance with KaIT. Due to this, their very last artwork, FlareWheezePlace was created.

2023 became their most successful year as they managed to make, maintain and defend more artworks than 2022. They also managed to place and defend Migo as part of their 2023 plan.

Major Incidents[edit]
  • Attacks of Azerbaijan and Turkey Flags
  • War with the Colombian Flag
  • xQc Attacks 2023
  • The Crying Ugandan Knuckles Incident
  • The Defense against the Void
  • The Diplomatic Problems with KaIT
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