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From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
Name Tali'Zorah
Description Character Tali'Zorah from Mass Effect trilogy
Location (823, 973)
Area 185 pixels
Atlas ID 000052
Creator Mass Effect

Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (aka Tali'zorah vas Neema and Tali'Zorah vas Normandy) is a member of the Quarian species and a possible crew member and/or love interest for Commander Shepard in the Mass Effect Trilogy. As an engineer, Tali is a genius with technology and mechanics, and as one of only two characters that can join Shepard's team in all three games, Tali is a fan-favorite.

r/place 2022[edit]


At 4:07 pm EDT on April 1st, the black space to the left of the N7 Logo seemed well under the control of r/masseffect so the group decided to put the character Tali'Zorah from the trilogy in that space. Initial plans went on hold in order to focus on the Eminem invasion and resumed at 4:45 pm EDT. After fighting the Keepers of the black for three hours, a new location was chosen around 7:51 pm EDT. Finally around 10:30 pm EDT, a fully-formed Tali appeared. The next few hours were spent adjusting her to fit around the St. Louis Blues logo and choosing the final colors for her suit and mask. After the downfall of the Blues around 8:00 am EDT on April 2nd, Tali was again adjusted to fit the new space.


One source of amusement for the discord was the amount of times that griefers would place a brown pixel under Tali and make it look like she had defecated. There were also many attempts to put eyes on her mask that the group had to fend off for the rest of r/place 2022.

Final Result[edit]

Tali remained until the end of r/place 2022.

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