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Among Us Crewmates

From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
Note: This page is for historical sightings of Among Us crewmates. On the final canvas alone, there are estimates as high as 2,000 sightings, and so this list will not be exhaustive.
berlinvictorycolumn - detail.png
Among Us Crewmates
Name Among Us Crewmates
Description The Berlin Victory Column topped with a detailed depiction of one of the Among Us crewmates, coupled with a minimongus variant.
Location varies
Creator Random Users

Among Us is a social deduction game created in 2018 that exploded in popularity in 2020. As of r/place 2022, its popularity had waned but the game had settled into the zeitgeist of Internet pop culture. The simple design of the Among Us crewmates made griefing artworks with them easy and, sometimes, subtle. The crewmates, as part of pop culture, are often called "amongus" / "amogus" in the singular and "amongi" / "amogi" in the plural.

For a list of artworks that made it to the final canvas with Among Us crewmate griefing, see Among Us Crewmate Sightings.

r/place 2022[edit]


There was no official organized effort to include crewmates in r/place 2022, as the phenomenon developed organically. Many redditors described the Among Us crewmates as an "infection" or "virus."

Types of Crewmate Design[edit]

There are about five different types of crewmates (not counting left / right distinctions), as found by u/PitsPower. The most common is a 5x4 design with a backpack, followed by a "minimongus" 4x4 design. The backpack on these crewmates is two pixels tall, and these account for approximately 1,600 crewmate sightings. There are also "no backpack" versions accounting for about 250 crewmates. There is also a three-pixel tall backpack variant, which includes about 80 crewmates. A final variant of Among Us crewmate is the "broken" version, which is recognizably a crewmate but lacks a leg or full visor.


Initial Creation[edit]

Notable Crewmate Infections[edit]

Star Wars[edit]

Main article: Star Wars


Main article: Lemongus

r/FuckCars and Highway Sightings[edit]

Main article: r/fuckcars

Many of the cars in the r/fuckcars parking lot were often converted into crewmates, as were the cars on their highways. The r/fuckcars group were constantly fighting the random placement of Among Us crewmates in their art throughout the event.

El Demente[edit]

Main article: El Demente

The Blue Corner[edit]

Blue crewmates cover the Blue Corner.
Main article: The Blue Corner

On the third day of r/place, the entire area of the Blue Corner became infected with blue crewmates. Eventually they were changed to various other colors in a raid attacking the Blue Corner faction, but by the end of r/place 2022, the area was cleared of them.

Windows XP Start Button[edit]

Main article: Windows Taskbar

As with many art pieces on r/place 2022, the Windows Taskbar was a victim of the placement of Among Us crewmates. The characters were repeatedly placed within the 4 sectors of the Windows logo and within the green section of the start button. Due to the large number of people involved with placing the characters, successfully combatting their presence was impossible, hence many crewmates being visible in the final result.

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