Moon Lord

From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
Revision as of 02:46, 12 April 2022 by Loarado (talk | contribs) (moved things around and added an ID)

The Moon Lord from Terraria was added onto the r/place canvas on the 2nd day by Sodapoppin, although taking up much space and degrading over time, the Moon Lord was never directly attacked by any streamers or voids. For the entire duration of r/place after the 2nd day the Moon Lord was mostly untouched, with some exceptions like the baguettes that appeared on his hands during the 3rd day, and a minor invasion from a community trying to build BoJack Horseman on top of the right elbow.

Template used during the creation of Moon Lord on r/place
Moon Lord
Name Moon Lord
Description Moon lord is the final boss in vanilla Terraria and was added to r/place ever since the 2nd day began.
Location 1775, 360
Atlas ID dqufi1
dqufi1 redirect is missing (What does this mean?)
Creator Sodapoppin, r/Terraria, and the Terraria discord server

  1. REDIRECT Moon Lord
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