Regular Show is an American animated television series created by J.G. Quintel that premiered on Cartoon Network on September 6, 2010. The series features the voices of Quintel himself, William Salyers, Sam Marin, and Mark Hamill. The final season premiered on January 16 2017.
r/place 2023[edit]
On the last day of r/place u/nosoychomicks proposed on r/place an artwork composed by Mordecai and Rigby to be build below [[Perry the Platypus]] on the blank space left by Geshing impact drawing being erased. Later on u/eric_the_demon joined and proposed that the artwork would be only Mordecai painted over a turkish flag near the right edge. Furthermore, they posted on r/RegularShow a seek for help
Seeing the help never arrived, 2 hours before the blank out, u/eric_the_demon started adding pixels near the right up corner. The Head of Mordecai got completed just one hour before r/place ended. If the comunity had reacted the artwork would have been bigger.