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From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
Tux 2022.png
Name Tux
Description The "mascot" of the Linux kernel and general Linux community
Location 50,730 (2022)
Atlas ID txk8x7
Creator r/placetux

Tux is a penguin character and the official brand character of the Linux kernel. Originally created as an entry to a Linux logo competition, Tux is the most commonly used icon for Linux, although different Linux distributions depict Tux in various styles. Tux was created on both the r/place 2022 and 2017 canvases by r/placetux and the general Linux community.

r/place 2017[edit]



Final Result[edit]

r/place 2022[edit]



Final Result[edit]

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