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From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
Name Place EU
Description Place Subreddit from the European Union
Subreddit placeEU

r/placeEU is a subreddit created by people from the European Union to represent the European Union on the Map. Initially, r/europe and r/placeEU were not collaborating, but the r/europe moderators eventually redirected all their users interested in the event to r/placeEU.

r/place 2022[edit]


European Union Flag[edit]

An EU flag with a peace dove in the center was created. It is located between the banners of France and Germany.


European Map[edit]

They tried to make a map of Europe, but it was griefed.

r/place 2017[edit]

Two EU flags were made during r/place 2017.

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