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N7 Armor Stripe

From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
N7 Stripe new.png
N7 Armor Stripe
Name N7 Armor Stripe
Description Iconic stripe from Commander Shepard's armor in the game Mass Effect
Location (798, 1000)
Area 166 pixels
Atlas ID twvfp5
Creator Mass Effect

In Mass Effect, the canon armor of Commander Shepard has a distinct set of vertical red and white stripes split with five horizontal black stripes on the right arm.

r/place 2022[edit]


Talk first began of attempting to place the N7 armor stripe in the black border to the left of the N7 logo and Normandy around 5:55 pm EDT but it wasn't until well after the Normandy had been completed and shuffling of the canvas had calmed that pixels started being placed at 10:32 pm EDT. It was a risk considering how many other groups had attempted to move into that area since r/place 2022 began. The Keepers had kept the black without fail. The discord group moved swiftly to place large blocks of pixels concurrently and this time it was a success - the Keepers ceded the black and the N7 armor stripe was formed within minutes.

Final Result[edit]

The N7 Armor Stripe remained until the end of r/place 2022.

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