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Hytale H Symbol

From the r/placeAtlas2 Wiki, the r/place encylopaedia
Hytale H Symbol
Name Hytale H Symbol
Description The 'H' symbol for the upcoming game Hytale.
Location (1533, 123)
Atlas ID 000466
Creator r/hytaleinfo

The 'H' symbol for the upcoming game Hytale. Hytale is an upcoming sandbox game by Hypixel Studios. Production began in 2015 by developers from the Minecraft multiplayer server Hypixel with funding and assistance from Riot Games, who later acquired the studio in 2020.

r/place 2022[edit]


Was created soon after the first canvas expansion.


Had to move 2 pixels to the right to make room for the green line. Then, after the final canvas expansion, it was almost destroyed by the meteor. Like most art on the canvas, the Hytale symbol had to defend against the invasion of sneaky Amogi.

Final Result[edit]

The final image is a pixel perfect version of the final template, just with more detail and variation on white parts of the logo.

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